AMMONIA REMOVER: Removes the toxic ammonia continually released by fish through their gills, urine and solid waste. Uneaten food and decaying organic matter also add ammonia. Small amounts of ammonia stress fish; large amounts of ammonia will kill fish
Rapid action: Aquarium treatment with high concentration instantly removes harmful chemicals, ensuring tap water is safe for fish in all types of aquariums; Helps lower the chance of fish loss during tank setup or maintenance.
Contains one (1) API AQUA ESSENTIAL Water Conditioner 8 ounce bottle; treats up to 2,370 U.S. Gallons
NITRITES AND NITRATES REMOVER: Produced by fish waste and uneaten fish food, nitrites inhibit respiration and suppress the immune system at low levels, while high levels cause suffocation; Nitrates can be harmful to fish and lead to algae growth
DECHLORINATOR: Removes chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals which are found in tap water and can cause gill and tissue damage, breathing difficulty, stress and fish death